This endpoint is currently in beta and requires authentication using a normal Dune API key.

The Activity endpoint provides a real-time feed of on-chain activity for any EVM address. Activity is returned in chronological order (newest first) and includes:

  • Native token transfers
  • ERC20 token transfers with metadata (symbol, decimals)
  • ERC721 (NFT) transfers with token IDs
  • Contract interactions with decoded function calls

Response Fields

activityArray of activity itemsarray
next_offsetPagination cursor for next pagestring

Activity Item Fields

chain_idID of the blockchain where activity occurredinteger
block_numberBlock number where activity occurredinteger
block_timeUnix timestamp of the blockinteger
transaction_hashHash of the transactionstring
typeActivity type: ‘transfer’, ‘call’, or ‘mint’string
asset_typeAsset type: ‘native’, ‘erc20’, or ‘erc721’string
token_addressContract address of token (for ERC20/ERC721)string
fromAddress initiating the activitystring
toRecipient addressstring
valueAmount transferred (in WEI) or contract call valuestring
idToken ID (for ERC721 transfers)string
metadataAdditional context about the activityobject
metadata.symbolToken symbol (for ERC20)string
metadata.decimalsToken decimals (for ERC20)integer
metadata.descriptionHuman-readable description of the activitystring
functionDecoded function information (for contract calls)object
function.nameName of the called functionstring
function.inputsArray of decoded function parametersarray


Activities are ordered by block time (descending) and then by transaction index within each block, so that newer activities appear first.


This endpoint uses cursor-based pagination. You can use the limit parameter to define the maximum page size. Results might at times be less than the maximum page size. The next_offset value is included in the initial response and can be utilized to fetch the next page of results by passing it as the offset query parameter in the next request.

You can only use the value from next_offset to set the offset parameter of the next page of results. Using your own offset value will not have any effect.