Dune’s realtime multi-chain APIs focus on providing critical information about accounts (wallets).

The two APIs available today are:

  1. Token balances API: Access accurate and fast (sub 500ms) real time balances of the native and ERC20 tokens of accounts on EVM blockchains.
  2. Chains API: The endpoint lists the supported blockchains for the token balances API
  3. Transactions API: Access realtime transactions for a given account or subscribe to transactions given input filters.
  • These endpoints are in beta and accessible on a free-trial basis, please contact realtimeAPI@dune.com to get access today.
  • Currently, the token balances supports 8 EVM-compatible chains: avalanche_c, base, bnb, ethereum, polygon, optimism, celo
  • The response time of the API is sub 500ms