What is Multichain Decoding?

Multichain Decoding enables seamless analysis of smart contract data across multiple blockchains. With a single contract submission, users can automatically generate protocol tables across all supported EVM chains, simplifying cross-chain data access on Dune.

This feature unifies contract data views, streamlining the analysis of protocols deployed across various chains and making cross-chain insights more accessible.

Multichain decoding offers data freshness and latency comparable to regular decoding. For details on data freshness, see our data freshness page.

Currently Available Protocols

  • As this feature is currently in closed alpha, here is a list of protocols with multichain decoded contract views available for immediate use. Contact us for any feedback you have.
  • To view and explore these multichain decoded contract views, visit the linked protocol namespaces on Dune’s Data Explorer.


ProtocolChains AvailableContractTypeEvent/CallTable Name
uniswap_v2arbitrum, avalanche_c, base, bnb, ethereum, optimism, polygon, zoraUniswapV2FactoryEventPairCreateduniswap_v2_multichain.uniswapv2factory_evt_paircreated
uniswap_v3arbitrum, avalanche_c, base, blast, bnb, celo, ethereum, linea, mantle, polygon, scroll, worldchain, zksync, zoraNonfungiblePositionManagerCallCollectuniswap_v3_multichain.nonfungiblepositionmanager_call_collect


ProtocolChains AvailableContractTypeEvent/CallView Table
gnosis_safearbitrum, avalanche_c, base, blast, bnb, celo, ethereum, gnosis, optimism, polygonSafe_v1_4_1CallexecTransactiongnosis_safe_multichain.safe_v1_4_1_call_exectransaction
arbitrum, base, blast, optimism, polygonSafeL2_v1_4_1CallexecTransactiongnosis_safe_multichain.safel2_v1_4_1_call_exectransaction
arbitrum, avalanche_c, base, bnb, celo, ethereum, fantom, linea, mantle, optimism, polygon, scroll, worldchain, zkevmSafeProxyFactory_v1_4_1EventProxyCreationgnosis_safe_multichain.safeproxyfactory_v1_4_1_evt_proxycreation


ProtocolChains AvailableContractTypeEvent/CallView Table
zoraarbitrum, base, blast, ethereum, optimism, zoraZoraTimedSaleStrategyEventSaleSetzora_multichain.zoratimedsalestrategy_evt_saleset


ProtocolChains AvailableContractTypeEvent/CallView Table
lidoarbitrum, bnb, mantle, optimism, polygon, scrollwstETHEventTransferlido_multichain.wstETH_evt_Transfer

Example Usage

Here are a few examples showing how you can use multichain decoded table views to simplify your analysis. Each example includes “before” and “after” queries to demonstrate how multichain views streamline cross-chain analytics.

How It Works

Requirements for Multichain View Construction ⚠️

To create a multichain decoded view, the following criteria must be met:

  • Contracts must have the same ABI across chains.
  • Contracts must be organized under the same project namespace and contract name (e.g., uniswap_v3, UniswapV3Pool).

This standardized labeling enables Dune to merge data from different chains into a single, unified view.

Submitting Multichain Contracts

When contracts with the same ABI are submitted across multiple chains, they are combined into a single cross-chain table, enabling consistent, streamlined data access and queries across chains.

Accessing and Navigating Tables

Multichain decoded contract tables are accessible in the Data Explorer, just like regular decoded contract tables. These multichain entries feature a distinct symbol and display the list of supported chains, clearly indicating they span multiple chains.