Table description

Tracks operational details of transaction in ledgers/blocks.

Operations are objects that represent a desired change to the ledger: payments, offers to exchange currency, changes made to account options, etc. Operations are submitted to the Stellar network grouped in a Transaction. Each of Stellar’s operations have a unique operation object.

Column Descriptions

closed_at_dateThe date when the operation was
idThe unique identifier for the operation.bigint
source_accountThe account that initiated the operation.varchar
source_account_muxedThe multiplexed source account address, if applicable.varchar
transaction_idThe unique identifier for the transaction that includes the operation.bigint
typeThe numeric representation of the operation type.bigint
type_stringThe string description of the operation type.varchar
closed_atThe timestamp when the operation was closed.timestamp(3) with time zone
operation_result_codeThe result code indicating the outcome of the operation.varchar
operation_trace_codeThe trace code detailing the operation’s execution.varchar
ledger_sequenceThe sequence number of the ledger in which the operation is included.bigint
accountThe account address associated with the operation.varchar
account_muxedThe multiplexed account address, if applicable.varchar
account_muxed_idThe ID of the multiplexed account, if applicable.varchar
account_idThe unique identifier for the account involved in the operation.varchar
amountThe amount of the asset transferred or affected by the operation.double
assetThe asset involved in the operation.varchar
asset_codeThe code of the asset involved in the operation.varchar
asset_issuerThe issuer of the asset involved in the operation.varchar
asset_idThe unique identifier for the asset.bigint
asset_typeThe type of asset involved in the operation.varchar
authorizeA boolean indicating whether authorization was given for the operation.boolean
balance_idThe ID of the balance affected by the operation.varchar
buying_asset_codeThe code of the asset being bought in the operation.varchar
buying_asset_issuerThe issuer of the asset being bought in the operation.varchar
buying_asset_idThe unique identifier for the asset being bought.bigint
buying_asset_typeThe type of asset being bought in the operation.varchar
claimable_balance_idThe ID of the claimable balance involved in the operation.varchar
claimantThe account address of the claimant.varchar
claimant_muxedThe multiplexed account of the claimant, if applicable.varchar
claimant_muxed_idThe ID of the multiplexed claimant account, if applicable.varchar
data_account_idThe account ID for the account where data is being modified.varchar
data_nameThe name of the data being modified in the operation.varchar
fromThe account address sending the asset in the operation.varchar
from_muxedThe multiplexed sender account, if applicable.varchar
from_muxed_idThe ID of the multiplexed sender account, if applicable.varchar
funderThe account funding the operation.varchar
funder_muxedThe multiplexed funder account, if applicable.varchar
funder_muxed_idThe ID of the multiplexed funder account, if applicable.varchar
high_thresholdThe high threshold required for the operation.bigint
home_domainThe home domain associated with the account.varchar
inflation_destThe destination account for inflation pools.varchar
intoThe account receiving the asset in the operation.varchar
into_muxedThe multiplexed account receiving the asset, if applicable.varchar
into_muxed_idThe ID of the multiplexed recipient account, if applicable.varchar
limitThe limit of the trustline or balance change.double
low_thresholdThe low threshold required for the operation.bigint
master_key_weightThe weight of the master key for signing transactions.bigint
med_thresholdThe medium threshold required for the operation.bigint
nameThe name associated with the operation or account.varchar
offer_idThe ID of the offer related to the operation.bigint
pathThe payment path used in the operation.array(row(“asset_code” varchar,“asset_issuer” varchar,“asset_type” varchar))
priceThe price of the asset involved in the operation.double
price_rThe rational price of the asset (fraction of numerator and denominator).row(“d” bigint,“n” bigint)
selling_asset_codeThe code of the asset being sold in the operation.varchar
selling_asset_issuerThe issuer of the asset being sold in the operation.varchar
selling_asset_idThe unique identifier for the asset being sold.bigint
selling_asset_typeThe type of asset being sold in the operation.varchar
set_flagsAn array of flags being set by the operation.array(bigint)
set_flags_sAn array of string descriptions for the flags being set.array(varchar)
signer_account_idThe account ID of the signer.varchar
signer_keyThe key of the signer being modified.varchar
signer_weightThe weight assigned to the signer.bigint
source_amountThe source amount for the operation.double
source_asset_codeThe code of the source asset in the operation.varchar
source_asset_issuerThe issuer of the source asset in the operation.varchar
source_asset_idThe unique identifier for the source asset.bigint
source_asset_typeThe type of source asset in the operation.varchar
source_maxThe maximum amount of the source asset allowed in the operation.double
starting_balanceThe starting balance for the account in the operation.double
toThe account receiving the asset.varchar
to_muxedThe multiplexed account receiving the asset, if applicable.varchar
to_muxed_idThe ID of the multiplexed recipient account, if applicable.varchar
trusteeThe trustee account involved in the operation.varchar
trustee_muxedThe multiplexed trustee account, if applicable.varchar
trustee_muxed_idThe ID of the multiplexed trustee account, if applicable.varchar
trustline_account_idThe account ID associated with the trustline in the operation.varchar
trustline_assetThe asset involved in the trustline operation.varchar
trustorThe trustor account in the operation.varchar
trustor_muxedThe multiplexed trustor account, if applicable.varchar
trustor_muxed_idThe ID of the multiplexed trustor account, if applicable.varchar
valueThe value associated with the operation.varchar
clear_flagsAn array of flags being cleared by the operation.array(bigint)
clear_flags_sAn array of string descriptions for the flags being cleared.array(varchar)
destination_minThe minimum destination amount in the operation.varchar
bump_toThe sequence number to which the operation bumps.varchar
authorize_to_maintain_liabilitiesA boolean indicating whether authorization is granted to maintain liabilities.boolean
clawback_enabledA boolean indicating whether clawback is enabled for the operation.boolean
sponsorThe account sponsoring the operation.varchar
sponsored_idThe ID of the sponsored account.varchar
begin_sponsorThe sponsor that initiated the operation.varchar
begin_sponsor_muxedThe multiplexed sponsor account, if applicable.varchar
begin_sponsor_muxed_idThe ID of the multiplexed sponsor account, if applicable.varchar
liquidity_pool_idThe liquidity pool ID associated with the operation.varchar
reserve_a_asset_typeThe type of the first reserve asset in the liquidity pool operation.varchar
reserve_a_asset_codeThe code of the first reserve asset in the liquidity pool operation.varchar
reserve_a_asset_issuerThe issuer of the first reserve asset in the liquidity pool operation.varchar
reserve_a_asset_idThe unique identifier for the first reserve asset.bigint
reserve_a_max_amountThe maximum amount of the first reserve asset in the operation.double
reserve_a_deposit_amountThe amount of the first reserve asset deposited in the operation.double
reserve_b_asset_typeThe type of the second reserve asset in the liquidity pool operation.varchar
reserve_b_asset_codeThe code of the second reserve asset in the liquidity pool operation.varchar
reserve_b_asset_issuerThe issuer of the second reserve asset in the liquidity pool operation.varchar
reserve_b_asset_idThe unique identifier for the second reserve asset.bigint
reserve_b_max_amountThe maximum amount of the second reserve asset in the operation.double
reserve_b_deposit_amountThe amount of the second reserve asset deposited in the operation.double
min_priceThe minimum price of the asset in the operation.double
min_price_rThe rational minimum price of the asset (fraction of numerator and denominator).array(row(“d” bigint,“n” bigint))
max_priceThe maximum price of the asset in the operation.double
max_price_rThe rational maximum price of the asset (fraction of numerator and denominator).array(row(“d” bigint,“n” bigint))
shares_receivedThe number of shares received in the liquidity pool operation.double
reserve_a_min_amountThe minimum amount of the first reserve asset in the operation.double
reserve_a_withdraw_amountThe amount of the first reserve asset withdrawn in the operation.double
reserve_b_min_amountThe minimum amount of the second reserve asset in the operation.double
reserve_b_withdraw_amountThe amount of the second reserve asset withdrawn in the operation.double
sharesThe number of shares involved in the liquidity pool operation.double
asset_balance_changesAn array of asset balance changes related to the operation.array(row(“amount” double,“asset_code” varchar,“asset_issuer” varchar,“asset_type” varchar,“from” varchar,“to” varchar,“type” varchar))
parametersAn array of parameters associated with the operation.array(row(“type” varchar,“value” varchar))
parameters_decodedAn array of decoded parameters associated with the operation.array(row(“type” varchar,“value” varchar))
functionThe function executed in the operation.varchar
addressThe address associated with the operation.varchar
extend_toThe sequence number to which the operation extends.bigint
contract_idThe contract ID associated with the operation.varchar
contract_code_hashThe hash of the contract code associated with the operation.varchar
ledger_key_hashAn array of hashes for the ledger keys associated with the operation.array(varchar)
ledgers_to_expireThe number of ledgers until the operation expires.bigint
soroban_operation_typeThe type of operation for Soroban smart contracts.varchar
updated_atThe time when the operation record was last updated.timestamp(3) with time zone
ingested_atThe time when the operation data was ingested into the system.timestamp(3) with time zone

Table Sample