Table description

Records specific changes that occur in the ledger as a result of success operations, but are not necessarily directly reflected in the ledger or history, as transactions and operations are.

Operations are objects that represent a desired change to the ledger: payments, offers to exchange currency, changes made to account options, etc. Operations are submitted to the Stellar network grouped in a Transaction. Each of Stellar’s operations have a unique operation object.

Column Descriptions

closed_at_dateThe date when the effect was
addressThe account address associated with the effect.varchar
address_muxedThe multiplexed address, if applicable.varchar
operation_idThe unique identifier for the operation that produced the effect.bigint
typeThe numeric representation of the effect type.bigint
type_stringThe string description of the effect type.varchar
closed_atThe timestamp when the effect was closed.timestamp(3) with time zone
ledger_sequenceThe sequence number of the ledger in which the effect is included.bigint
indexThe index of the effect within the operation.bigint
idThe unique identifier for the effect.varchar
liquidity_poolInformation about the liquidity pool related to the effect, including fee, ID, reserves, and type.row(“fee_bp” bigint,“id” varchar,“total_shares” decimal(38,9),“total_trustlines” bigint,“type” varchar,“reserves” array(row(“asset” varchar,“amount” decimal(38,9))))
reserves_receivedAn array of reserves received in the liquidity pool operation.array(row(“asset” varchar,“amount” decimal(38,9)))
reserves_depositedAn array of reserves deposited in the liquidity pool operation.array(row(“asset” varchar,“amount” decimal(38,9)))
reserves_revokedAn array of revoked reserves in the liquidity pool, including claimable balance IDs.array(row(“asset” varchar,“amount” decimal(38,9),“claimable_balance_id” varchar))
boughtAn array of assets bought during the operation.array(row(“asset” varchar,“amount” decimal(38,9)))
soldAn array of assets sold during the operation.array(row(“asset” varchar,“amount” decimal(38,9)))
shares_revokedThe number of shares revoked in the liquidity pool.decimal(38,9)
shares_receivedThe number of shares received in the liquidity pool.decimal(38,9)
shares_redeemedThe number of shares redeemed in the liquidity pool.decimal(38,9)
liquidity_pool_idThe ID of the liquidity pool related to the effect.varchar
balance_idThe ID of the balance affected by the effect.varchar
new_seqThe new sequence number for the account.bigint
nameThe name associated with the effect.varchar
valueThe value associated with the effect.varchar
trustorThe account ID of the trustor involved in the effect.varchar
limitThe limit associated with the trustline in the effect.decimal(38,9)
inflation_destinationThe destination account for inflation in the effect.varchar
authorized_flagA boolean indicating whether the asset was authorized.boolean
auth_immutable_flagA boolean indicating whether the asset is immutable.boolean
authorized_to_maintain_liabilitiesA boolean indicating whether authorization to maintain liabilities was granted.boolean
auth_revocable_flagA boolean indicating whether the authorization is revocable.boolean
auth_required_flagA boolean indicating whether authorization is required.boolean
auth_clawback_enabled_flagA boolean indicating whether clawback is enabled for the effect.boolean
claimable_balance_clawback_enabled_flagA boolean indicating whether clawback is enabled for claimable balances.boolean
clawback_enabled_flagA boolean indicating whether clawback is enabled for the asset.boolean
high_thresholdThe high threshold for account signatures.bigint
med_thresholdThe medium threshold for account signatures.bigint
low_thresholdThe low threshold for account signatures.bigint
home_domainThe home domain associated with the account.varchar
asset_issuerThe issuer of the asset involved in the effect.varchar
assetThe asset involved in the effect.varchar
asset_codeThe code of the asset involved in the effect.varchar
signerThe signer involved in the effect.varchar
sponsorThe sponsor of the account or effect.varchar
new_sponsorThe new sponsor of the account or effect.varchar
former_sponsorThe former sponsor of the account or effect.varchar
weightThe weight assigned to the signer.bigint
public_keyThe public key associated with the effect.varchar
asset_typeThe type of asset involved in the effect.varchar
amountThe amount involved in the effect.decimal(38,9)
starting_balanceThe starting balance of the account in the effect.decimal(38,9)
sellerThe account ID of the seller in the effect.varchar
seller_muxedThe multiplexed account ID of the seller, if applicable.varchar
seller_muxed_idThe ID of the multiplexed seller account.bigint
offer_idThe ID of the offer involved in the effect.bigint
sold_amountThe amount of the asset sold in the effect.decimal(38,9)
sold_asset_typeThe type of asset sold in the effect.varchar
sold_asset_codeThe code of the asset sold in the effect.varchar
sold_asset_issuerThe issuer of the asset sold in the effect.varchar
bought_amountThe amount of the asset bought in the effect.decimal(38,9)
bought_asset_typeThe type of asset bought in the effect.varchar
bought_asset_codeThe code of the asset bought in the effect.varchar
data_nameThe name of the data involved in the effect.varchar
bought_asset_issuerThe issuer of the asset bought in the effect.varchar
entriesAn array of entries involved in the effect.array(varchar)
extend_toThe ledger sequence number to which the effect extends.bigint
contractThe contract associated with the effect.varchar
contract_event_typeThe type of contract event associated with the effect.varchar
ledgers_to_expireThe number of ledgers until the effect expires.bigint
updated_atThe time when the effect record was last updated.timestamp(3) with time zone
ingested_atThe time when the effect data was ingested into the system.timestamp(3) with time zone

Table Sample