Table Description

The near.actions table contains comprehensive data related to transactions on the NEAR blockchain, including transaction metadata like block_date and tx_hash, execution statuses, receipts, and detailed action information when applicable.

In NEAR, a transaction can consist of one or more actions, signed by the sender’s account and executed by the network. These actions may involve token transfers, smart contract invocations, staking, and more.

NEAR employs a unique transaction lifecycle where transactions are validated on the sender’s shard, converted into receipts, and processed on the receiver’s shard. This approach ensures efficient handling of cross-shard communication and data flow.

To gain a clearer understanding of how NEAR data flows, watch this quick video. For a detailed text version, visit the NEAR Data Flow documentation.

Column Descriptions

block_dateThe date of the block when the action
block_heightThe height of the block in which the action was executed.bigint
block_timeThe timestamp of when the block containing the action was produced.timestamp(3) with time zone
block_hashThe unique hash of the block containing the action.varchar
chunk_hashThe hash of the chunk within the block where the action is recorded.varchar
shard_idThe shard ID in which the action was executed, relating to NEAR’s sharded architecture.bigint
index_in_action_receiptThe index of the action within its corresponding receipt, indicating ordering of the action.integer
receipt_idThe unique identifier of the receipt associated with this action.varchar
gas_priceThe gas price paid for executing the action, in yoctoNEAR (1 NEAR = 10^24 yoctoNEAR).bigint
receipt_predecessor_account_idThe account that sent the receipt containing the action.varchar
receipt_receiver_account_idThe account that receives the action.varchar
receipt_conversion_gas_burntThe amount of gas burnt during the conversion of the receipt.bigint
receipt_conversion_tokens_burntThe amount of gas burnt during the conversion of the receipt, divided by 10^8.uint256
tx_hashThe unique hash identifying the transaction containing the action.varchar
tx_fromThe account that initiated the transaction.varchar
tx_toThe account that is the recipient of the transaction.varchar
tx_signer_public_keyThe public key of the account that signed the transaction.varchar
tx_nonceThe nonce used by the account to ensure the transaction is unique.bigint
tx_signatureThe cryptographic signature that verifies the authenticity of the transaction.varchar
tx_statusThe status of the transaction, indicating success or failure.varchar
is_delegate_actionBoolean flag indicating whether the action is a delegated action.boolean
execution_gas_burntThe amount of gas burnt during the execution of the action.bigint
execution_tokens_burntThe amount of raw NEAR token burnt during the execution of the action.uint256
execution_statusThe status of the execution of the action.varchar
execution_outcome_receipt_idsArray of receipt IDs created as a result of the execution.array(varchar)
action_kindThe type of action, such as FUNCTION_CALL, DELEGATE_ACTION, TRANSFER, STAKE, etc.varchar
processed_timeThe timestamp of when the action was processed by Dune.timestamp(3) with time zone
action_function_call_args_parsedParsed (decoded) arguments of the function call action.varchar
action_function_call_call_gasThe amount of gas attached to the function call action.bigint
action_function_call_call_depositThe amount of NEAR tokens attached to the function call action.varchar
action_function_call_call_args_base64Base64 encoded arguments of the function call action.varchar
action_function_call_call_method_nameThe name of the method being called in the function call action.varchar
action_delegate_signatureSignature of the delegation action.varchar
action_delegate_delegate_action_actionsList of actions being delegated to another account.array(row(“functioncall”))
action_delegate_delegate_action_max_block_heightThe maximum block height at which the delegated action can be executed.varchar
action_delegate_delegate_action_nonceNonce of the delegated action for uniqueness.varchar
action_delegate_delegate_action_public_keyPublic key of the delegate executing the action.varchar
action_delegate_delegate_action_receiver_idAccount receiving the delegated action.varchar
action_delegate_delegate_action_sender_idAccount sending the delegated action.varchar
action_delete_account_beneficiary_idAccount of the beneficiary receiving remaining balance upon account deletion.varchar
action_delete_key_public_keyPublic key being deleted from the account.varchar
action_add_key_public_keyPublic key being added to the account.varchar
action_add_key_access_key_nonceNonce of the access key being added.varchar
action_add_key_access_key_permissionPermissions granted to the newly added access key.varchar
action_stake_public_keyPublic key used for staking by the account.varchar
action_stake_stakeAmount of NEAR tokens staked by the account.varchar
action_transfer_depositAmount of NEAR tokens being transferred between accounts.varchar
action_deploy_contract_code_sha256SHA256 hash of the code being deployed in the contract.varchar
updated_atTimestamp of when the record was last updated.timestamp(3) with time zone
ingested_atTimestamp of when the record was ingested into Dune.timestamp(3) with time zone

Table Sample

Data Manipulation Tips

The actions data in NEAR can be complicated and nested, causing it hard to analyze sometimes. So here we give two examples on how to work array and json data to make it easier to analyze.

Explode array of rows into separate rows with defined fields

When the action type is “DELEGATE_ACTION”, the action_delegate_delegate_action_actions becomes an array of size n with rows of fields. We can utilize CROSS JOIN UNNEST to first explode the array, then use . directly to access the fields in the row.

Reference query can be found here.

with exploded as (
    select block_date
        , block_height as block_height_executed
        , tx_hash
        , receipt_id -- receipt for this action (there are many actions included in one txn)
        , execution_status
        , cardinality(action_delegate_delegate_action_actions) as delegated_action_size -- how many function calls are being delegated
        , action_delegate_delegate_action_sender_id as action_from 
        , action_delegate_delegate_action_receiver_id as action_to 
        -- Explode the array into rows
        , actions.value as action_data
        , actions.index as delegated_action_index
        , action_delegate_delegate_action_actions as raw_delegated_actions -- raw nested list of delegated actions
    /* explode by doing cross join unnest here*/    
    from near.actions CROSS JOIN UNNEST(action_delegate_delegate_action_actions) WITH ORDINALITY as actions(value, index)
    where action_kind = 'DELEGATE_ACTION'
        and cardinality(action_delegate_delegate_action_actions) >= 2
        and receipt_id = '6DB2AzkLXzoU9CMj9GKSZi7y8dGxVrqrbtBsfpLVQCQ8'
        and block_date = date('2024-09-17')
        and block_height = 128251854

select block_date
    , block_height_executed
    , tx_hash
    , receipt_id 
    , execution_status
    , delegated_action_size -- how many function calls are being delegated
    , action_from 
    , action_to 
    -- , typeof(action_data) -- row(args varchar, deposit varchar, gas bigint, method_name varchar)
    /* below is how you can access the delegated function call info */
    , action_data.args as function_call_args
    , action_data.deposit as function_call_deposit
    , action_data.gas as function_call_gas
    , action_data.method_name as function_call_method_name
    , delegated_action_index
    , raw_delegated_actions -- raw nested list of delegated actions
from exploded 

Extract fields from JSON string

When the action type is “FUNCTION_CALL”, the action_function_call_args_parsed becomes a JSON string. We can utilize json_extract with $.<field_name> syntax to extract the fields from the JSON string.

Reference query can be found here.

select block_date
    , block_height as block_height_executed
    , tx_hash
    , receipt_id -- receipt for this action (there are many actions included in one txn)
    , execution_status
    , receipt_predecessor_account_id as action_from
    , receipt_receiver_account_id as action_to
    -- , typeof(args_parsed) as data_type 
    /* This is how you can get fields within each parsed function call args 
        - first examine the fields in the args_parsed for the tye of method `call_method_name`
        - then parse accordingly
    , json_extract(args_parsed, '$.receiver_id') AS receiver_id
    , json_extract(args_parsed, '$.amount') AS amount
    , json_extract(args_parsed, '$.memo') AS memo
    , call_method_name as call_method_name
    , args_parsed as raw_call_args
    , call_gas as call_gas
    , call_deposit as call_deposit
    , call_args_base64
    , *
from near.function_call -- near.actions
where 1=1
    and block_date = date('2023-09-15')
    and call_method_name = 'ft_transfer'
limit 10