Table description

Contains all messages submitted to the blockchain. Each row represents one message, so there may be repeated tx_id if the transaction contains multiple messages.

On execution, transactions from Cosmos emit data in two formats:

  • Messages (sei.cosmos_tx_messages): These provide a high-level, readable summary of actions, such as “send money” or “execute contract.” They are easier to understand and track transaction types.
  • Events (sei.cosmos_message_events): These capture detailed, low-level changes at the chain level, including underlying blockchain modifications that may not always be directly related to state changes.
  • Use Messages for a general overview and Events when you need detailed insights. The two tables are complementary.

Column Descriptions

block_dateThe date of the
block_heightThe height of the block where the message occurred.bigint
block_timestampTimestamp when the block was validated.timestamp(3) with time zone
chain_idThe ID of the chain where the message occurred.varchar
tx_idThe unique ID of the transaction containing the message.varchar
tx_indexThe index of the transaction within the block.bigint
message_indexThe index of the message within the transaction.varchar
message_typeThe type of message sent in the transaction (e.g., send, execute contract).varchar
messageThe message content as a string.varchar
schema_versionThe schema version for the message data.bigint
updated_atTimestamp of when the record was last updated.timestamp(3) with time zone
ingested_atTimestamp of when the record was ingested into Dune.timestamp(3) with time zone

Table Sample